Akhen's Help Page
The most important thing about choosing a font is to make sure that your intended viewer can read it. Now you're probably sitting there thinking...."Duh!". Well, we only mention this because there are many fonts that you may personally like but to someone else, it may be rather confusing. If that happens, most people will leave the site.

Here we have a short list of different font names. There are hundreds more to choose from and if you really want to get creative, you can always download more from font sites. Just remember though, people won't be able to see your new font unless they themselves have it installed on their computer.

Name Example Name Example
Tahoma Example Black Chancery Example
Times New Roman Example Papyrus Example
Matisse ITC Example Calisto MT Example

Now, these are called Font Faces. In order to change the default face, you have to apply the HTML code. Here is an example:

<FONT FACE="PAPYRUS">Your text here</FONT>

The code above would change your font face to look like this.

At the end of the text, you notice there is another tag. This is called a Closing Tag. It's like a door. If you open a door, at some point you have to close it. Place the Closing Tag at the end of your text that you want changed.

Now that you've mastered changing your font's face, we can move on to resizing.
